Honey is good for pregnant or not

Honey is good for pregnant or not

In pregnant women, honey can be blended into a cup of hot tea or drink directly.

In addition, instead of taking the drug, a sore throat while pregnant can be assuaged by consuming ginger tea or lemon tea mixed with honey.

Insomnia is believed to also be assuaged by consuming a mixture of milk and honey before bed.

Honey for pregnant women

Benefits that are not less important, honey is also believed to help strengthen the immune system in the period of pregnancy and prevent coughs and colds.

Are there any negative side of honey for pregnant women?

Honey is not recommended to be given to babies under one year old, as it may contain bacteria that can cause botulism in the intestine.

This condition can be dangerous due to the immature baby gut to fight bacteria.

However, pregnant women who consume honey will not make the fetus in the womb, because botulism spores are experiencing will not enter a blood vessel. However, if in doubt, it is recommended not to consume raw honey to avoid unwanted risks.

Because, there has been no research on the safety of raw honey for pregnant women.

In addition, some types of honey from rhododendron type plants have also been reported to be toxic.

On pregnant women who experience bleeding disorder, honey can increase the risk of bleeding.

Beware the consumption of honey on pregnant women who are experiencing abdominal pain, nervous system disorders, as well as heart disease.

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