The benefits of lime juice to the diet

The benefits of lime juice to the diet

Lime is citrus fruit that is very much beneficial in people's lives. Orange also has another name i.e. limes, but don't get it wrong to call it being a lemon. Because lime and lemon, are two different things. Lemon has many benefits in the world of cooking that is not unquestionable and drank again. Can be used pengasam of soups or gravy in soup, can be used as a flavor enhancer, flavoring and others in the world of cooking. Find out the benefits of lime juice in the world to cook yet how. The fact that lime has many other benefits beyond the field of cooking. Benefits of lemon-most notably found in the world of health and beauty.
Benefits of Lime

Mineral content in Lime

In addition to vitamins, there is also a fairly high mineral content in one lime fruit. These minerals include calcium, magnesium, and potassium. All three are included in the minerals that are very important to support the daily work of the body. Thus, lime consumption becomes very important for human health.

For the amount of its own, in a lime fruit you will get about 80 mg of potassium, magnesium 5 mg. calcium and about 15 mg. Even though the number is not enough to meet the needs of the mineral body, but daily consumption of lime can additional alternative choice for human beings.

The benefits of minerals on the lemons for the human body, certainly doesn't need to be questioned again. Given the need for minerals the human body, so any intake of minerals will be very valuable. To find out the benefits of the minerals in the human body, consider the explanations in the next section.

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