We all have scars resulting from accidents in childhood. Many people let the former his wounds heal by itself, but that method is not effective. To that end, if you experience cuts, should be treated with either so as not to leave scars. Here's how to remove scars.
How to remove scars
Whatever type of scar tissue formed from your wounds, you should avoid from the Sun. You can use moisturiser SPF. People don't realize that UV rays from the Sun cause darkening the scar so that it becomes more perceptible. A combination of inflammation, increased production of collagen in the wound tissue, and sun exposure can cause hyper-pigmentation post-inflammatory, causing scars and surrounding skin turns into a dark brown.
Alpha hydroxy acid-containing lemon (AHA) that helped lift the dead skin cells, helps new cells to grow, and restores elasticity to the skin. As a natural bleach, lemon juice can help lighten the scars.
Here's how: clear the SCAR and the surrounding area thoroughly, then stir in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball, rub the cotton ball to areas of scarring, leave on for about 10 minutes then rinse
Lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to light, so it is recommended to wear sunscreen when out of the House.
Honey can also be used for fades scars. Honey is a natural moisturizer, can be effective in the treatment of wounds, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
Silicon has been shown to be effective in reducing and flatten scars. The silicone gel can be applied directly to the scar.
The Onion is a bitter taste and can inhibit the production of collagen in the scar, making it less noticeable. Although this process is lengthy and may take up to a few months before you start seeing results.
The nature of the bitter taste of Aloe Vera helps reduce skin irritation and help lift the dead skin scars. Aloe Vera can also reduce swelling, help repair damaged skin cells, and strengthen the new skin cells are produced. Apply Aloe Vera gel on a scar several times a day.
Olive oil is rich in vitamins E and K, which is great for the skin and is effective to make scars fade fast. Virgin olive oil is very high in anti oxidants and have a higher level of acidity which helps lighten the scars.
Here's how: Rub about 1 tablespoon olive oil to the scar. Use less if the scar is minimal.
Then a massage for approximately 5 minutes to help loosen scar tissue. Let the oil soak in the skin approximately for 10 minutes, then wipe with a clean cloth.
In addition to how to remove a scar above, you can also visit the doctor to help eliminate your scars, it's possible doctors will recommend treatment with laser, surgical, or injections of cortisone.
So how to remove scars on the top, may be useful.
How to remove scars
Whatever type of scar tissue formed from your wounds, you should avoid from the Sun. You can use moisturiser SPF. People don't realize that UV rays from the Sun cause darkening the scar so that it becomes more perceptible. A combination of inflammation, increased production of collagen in the wound tissue, and sun exposure can cause hyper-pigmentation post-inflammatory, causing scars and surrounding skin turns into a dark brown.
Alpha hydroxy acid-containing lemon (AHA) that helped lift the dead skin cells, helps new cells to grow, and restores elasticity to the skin. As a natural bleach, lemon juice can help lighten the scars.
Here's how: clear the SCAR and the surrounding area thoroughly, then stir in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball, rub the cotton ball to areas of scarring, leave on for about 10 minutes then rinse
Lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to light, so it is recommended to wear sunscreen when out of the House.
Honey can also be used for fades scars. Honey is a natural moisturizer, can be effective in the treatment of wounds, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
Silicon has been shown to be effective in reducing and flatten scars. The silicone gel can be applied directly to the scar.
The Onion is a bitter taste and can inhibit the production of collagen in the scar, making it less noticeable. Although this process is lengthy and may take up to a few months before you start seeing results.
The nature of the bitter taste of Aloe Vera helps reduce skin irritation and help lift the dead skin scars. Aloe Vera can also reduce swelling, help repair damaged skin cells, and strengthen the new skin cells are produced. Apply Aloe Vera gel on a scar several times a day.
Olive oil is rich in vitamins E and K, which is great for the skin and is effective to make scars fade fast. Virgin olive oil is very high in anti oxidants and have a higher level of acidity which helps lighten the scars.
Here's how: Rub about 1 tablespoon olive oil to the scar. Use less if the scar is minimal.
Then a massage for approximately 5 minutes to help loosen scar tissue. Let the oil soak in the skin approximately for 10 minutes, then wipe with a clean cloth.
In addition to how to remove a scar above, you can also visit the doctor to help eliminate your scars, it's possible doctors will recommend treatment with laser, surgical, or injections of cortisone.
So how to remove scars on the top, may be useful.