What Women Should Do When a Migraine Menstrual Attack Occurs

What Women Should Do When a Migraine Menstrual Attack Occurs

Migraines that occur during menstrual often referred to as a menstrual migraine. A menstrual migraine is a side headache experienced before or during the menstrual period. The emergence of a menstrual migraine is associated with increased prostaglandin hormone production during the menstrual period. This prostaglandin hormone can be a driver of the emergence of pain and also pain such as pain or headache/migraine during menstruation. Not only that the emergence of a menstrual migraine is also associated with changes in the two hormones estrogen and progesterone that occur during the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation estrogen levels in the body decreased drastically to trigger a migraine.
What Women Should Do When a Migraine Menstrual Attack Occurs

Even mild physical activity will spur more severe headache. Migraine is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Stimulation of light or sound will aggravate the headache attacks, so in general patients will prefer to confine themselves in the room.

Well, the form of migraine headaches exacerbated by menstruation. This form of headache is called menstrual migraine. The hormone estrogen has a very big role in migraine headaches. Approximately 65% of women with migraine headache will suffer shortly before or during menstruation.

In most cases, an attack will appear 2 days before the start of menstruation until the third day of menstruation. Another critical emergence of migraine attacks is during ovulation. The hormone estrogen has a major influence on the pain threshold of a person. The descending estrogen hormone is suddenly associated with increased pain intensity.

Actually during menstruation, migraine complaints can continue and gradually disappear along with the completion of the menstrual period. How to overcome migraine during menstruation can be done by giving a combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and triptan groups. If you have enough migraines before and during menstruation, then some ways to overcome migraine during menstruation you can do to reduce the complaints that arise:

  • Do not get too tired, limit heavy physical activity.
  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet.
  • Limit salt intake.
  • Minimize stress.
  • An ice pack can help relieve migraines
  • Avoid consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes.
  • Exercising regularly can reduce headache complaints that arise.

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