Sometimes the menstrual cycle makes a woman feel uncomfortable with various symptoms or physical conditions that occur, one of which is a headache or migraine headache. For information, women who experience headache or migraine before or during menstruation experienced by about 80% of women who have a history of migraine. Physical symptoms are felt about two days before menstruation until three days after menstruation ends.
When a headache attack appears, then the pain is very severe. Headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Stimulation of light or sound will aggravate the headache. At the time before, during, or after menstruation, the frequency and intensity of headache will be felt more severe.
Indeed many factors that could be the cause of someone experiencing headaches. However, usually headaches that occur during menstruation are generally affected by hormonal changes in the female body. Both of these hormones estrogen and progesterone hormones that contribute to the period of pregnancy and menstruation. Both of these hormones can also affect the chemical compounds that cause headaches in the brain. Before menstruating estrogen and progesterone levels in a person's body decreases, it is what causes symptoms such as headaches.
How to cope with Migraine at the time of menstruation is to consume lots of water, consume ginger ingredients to relieve migraines, Perform magnesium diet such as nuts and fish, and Mengons
When a headache attack appears, then the pain is very severe. Headache accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Stimulation of light or sound will aggravate the headache. At the time before, during, or after menstruation, the frequency and intensity of headache will be felt more severe.
Indeed many factors that could be the cause of someone experiencing headaches. However, usually headaches that occur during menstruation are generally affected by hormonal changes in the female body. Both of these hormones estrogen and progesterone hormones that contribute to the period of pregnancy and menstruation. Both of these hormones can also affect the chemical compounds that cause headaches in the brain. Before menstruating estrogen and progesterone levels in a person's body decreases, it is what causes symptoms such as headaches.
How to cope with Migraine at the time of menstruation is to consume lots of water, consume ginger ingredients to relieve migraines, Perform magnesium diet such as nuts and fish, and Mengons