Lowering blood pressure is one of the benefits of strawberry

Lowering blood pressure is one of the benefits of strawberry

Benefits of strawberry for heart health has long been the subject of research. A number of studies associate consumption of this heart-shaped fruit with improving health conditions of the heart. The content of the berries that allegedly beneficial is the relationships. These substances have a different effect on the body, such as Flex blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

However, further research is still needed regarding content which is beneficial in the berries, good relationships or other content. However, it doesn't hurt to diligently eat a strawberry.

The results of the research there recommend for as early as possible doing a diet that includes strawberry consumption. Here are some reasons behind it that need to be examined individual commandments themselves.
The benefits of Strawberry

Healthy Heart

The benefits of berries for heart health can be obtained by consuming the terms regularly. A study shows consumption not three cups strawberry or 24 pieces per week can lower the risk of heart attacks in middle-aged women. These benefits are associated with the content of anthocyanin in strawberry.

In addition, through the temptation of the animal, it is known that the content of quercetin in strawberry can decrease the risk of atherosclerosis due to bad cholesterol. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of blood vessels which can trigger heart disease. The condition can occur due to the buildup of fatty plaque in blood vessels.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Strawberry consumption is recommended for those who have high blood pressure. The content of polyphenols in strawberry can help lower blood pressure so as to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, the content of the rich potassium is beneficial in helping to avoid the effects of sodium or salt in the body. High potassium consumption is associated with decreased risk of death. Conversely, a lack of potassium can invite the risk of high blood pressure.

Anti Inflammatory

Quercetin is natural anti-inflammatory substances are suspected anticancer. This case with antioxidants can fight free radicals and prevent the growth of tumors. In addition, the content of quercetin may also be useful to relieve allergy symptoms, such as itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. However, it is still a more thorough research is needed to confirm these findings.

Controlling Blood Sugar

Benefits of strawberry other is help control blood sugar in order to always stable, not too high or too low. Strawberry could be a viable option for people with diabetes because it has a low glycemic index and rich in fiber. Glycemic Index is a number that shows the effects of food on blood sugar levels. The number 55 or less shows low glycemic index, 56 to 59 shows the index is, and more than 70 belong to high. Meanwhile, strawberry has a low glycemic index, that is 40.

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