Hard boiled egg also has health benefits for the body to maintain good health a day – day. Choose to consume a boiled egg is a good option because it does not add to the risk of oil as fried which removes the contents of its nutrition value. That is why many who advocate processing food with boiling. There are examples of basic foods which can be done in a way such as potatoes, braised tofu and chicken. The following are the benefits of a hard-boiled egg for health include:
The benefits of a hard boiled egg |
Give brain health
The brain is one of the organs in the body which became the center of the body to perform the action. Along with the added ability of brain age will decline especially if not often honed. Consuming boiled eggs every day gives a good impact in the long term for the health of the brain. So the hard boiled eggs good for health-giving for the brain because there is a compound called choline in it.Eye
Eggs contain vitamin a in it is good for maintaining eye health. So not only is the carrot and the good for health. Consume eggs redeem every day avoiding the eyes of myopic far and nearsightedness. So there's no harm in entering a boiled egg as a condiment to complement Your rice. On the other hand is the senses that function to see the beauty of the universe. So his health needs to dijga because it is a future investment.Maintaining the strength of the bone
Bone health serves to support the body so that it can still be moved to do his task a day – day. Bone health can be endangered in accordance with the increase of age. Example problems of bones is osteoporosis that made bone strength is reduced. To prevent osteoporosis early then start now consume foods that is nutritious as eggs. In addition, multiply to exercise for 30 minutes four times a week.Breast cancer
Breast cancer is a deadly disease in Indonesia. Breast cancer not only strike women but also men just that women are more susceptible to developing breast cancer. To prevent breast cancer the first step is to change the pattern of life become more healthy. Besides socialization of breast cancer by doing breast self examination at home can help you detect the presence of cancer early. Because of the earlier known cancer can be cured quickly. Unlike with breast cancer are already known when entering final stage will certainly be difficult to treat. Avidly eating a hard-boiled egg can lower the risk of developing cancer of the breast is good for women and men.Anemia
Anemia is one of the diseases caused by the reduced performance of the compound in red blood cells called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin has a function to bind oxygen in red blood cells to fullfill the needs of organ – organ in the body. Anemia makes sufferers become looked pale, easily tired and often feel a headache. Therefore, many people recommend to consume the eggs while suffering from anemia. This is because in the boiled eggs there is a compound called iron able to improve the performance of hemoglobin so it is able to exercise its functions properly.