What does a kiss can lead to HIV

What does a kiss can lead to HIV

HIV is transmitted from one person to another through the exchange of bodily fluids, such as semen, vaginal fluids, and/or blood. How about drool, that in fact also includes body fluids?

The HIV virus can be detected through saliva, but according to the CDC, the Agency's disease control and prevention in the United States, the HIV virus cannot be spread through saliva. Then it can be inferred kissing mouth cannot transmit HIV — even if you and your spouse are undiagnosed HIV positive involved in french kiss involving tongue silat and exchange a lot of saliva. His last chapter, contains a combination of salivary antibodies and enzymes naturally prevents HIV infects healthy cells.
What does a kiss can lead to HIV

However, your risk of contracting HIV from a spouse can be increased if you are have open sores or canker sores in the mouth, lips, gums, or tongue. These sores can become a gateway for HIV that exist in salivary couples to enter into your body. HIV transmission can also occur if Your tongue or lips accidentally be bitten by a couple for kissing. As long as there is no blood contact, and just drool, the HIV virus will not spread.

However, the way of HIV transmission via kissing pun actually not as easy as that. Other things also need to be more aware of is the fact that saliva does not contain the number of active viruses (viral load) are pretty much to be able to transmit the infection to others.

HIV also can not be transmitted through ...

  • Swim in the same pool
  • Using the towel, bath places or using the same
  • Sitting on the toilet seat that had previously been occupied by PEOPLE LIVING with HIV
  • Through the animal. HIV is the virus in humans, cannot be transmitted through bites from mosquitoes, for example ibnatang which is already biting the people affected by HIV and then bite people who are not experienced with HIV.
  • Cuddle
  • Be shaken
  • How HIV transmission is more risky than kissing
  • The risk of HIV transmission through kissing the mouth can say very little, for really there is no direct blood contact between both parties involved.

HIV is transmitted through higher risk sex without condoms. The reason, the number of active HIV virus contained in semen, vaginal fluid, and the fluid rectum (through anal sex) is high enough to be able to cause infection.

HIV can enter the body through the parts of the body such as eyes or vaginal lining in the nose, penis, head, mouth, and the lining of the anus and rectum. These layers tends to be wet and slimy can be an intermediary the transfer of viruses. Similarly, in the blood, so that HIV can be transmitted through organ donors or donor blood contaminated virus.

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